Memorial Day 1992

I'd always had the crazy idea that I wanted to fly the Jolly Roger Flag over the big AT&T building out at Goddard, KS.

So, on Memorial Day, 1992, I called up Picard, Excalibur and Jay and with cameras in hand, we did it. You can see the best pic of the whole roll we shot here.

Soon after, I got the idea to sell T-Shirts, 20" x 30" prints and 11" x 17" posters over what was then the internet, and also several BBS's. I ran two ads in Phrack. Here was the first one:


Pirates v. AT&T: Posters
Special thanks to Legacy Irreverent and Captain Picard

On May 24 1992, two lone pirates, Legacy (of CyberPunk System) and Captain
Picard (of Holodeck) had finally had enough of AT&T. Together, they traveled
to the AT&T Maintenance Facility (just west of Goddard, Kansas) and claimed the
property in the name of pirates and hackers everywhere.

They hoisted the Jolly Roger skull and crossbones high on the AT&T flagpole,
where it stayed for two days until it was taken down by security.

This event was photographed and videotaped by EGATOBAS Productions, to preserve
this landmark in history. And now you can witness the event. For a limited
time they are offering full color posters and t-shirts of the Jolly Roger
Pirate flag flying high over AT&T, with the AT&T logo in plain view, with the

Prices: 11" x 17" Full Color poster........................... $ 7.00 US
20" x 30" Full Color poster $20.00 US
T-shirts $20.00 US

If you are interested in purchasing, simply send check or money order for the
amount, plus $1.00 US for postage and handling to:

CyberPunk System
P.O. Box 771027
Wichita, KS 67277-1072

Be sure to specify size on T-shirt.

A GIF of this is also available from CyberPunk System, 1:291/19, 23:316/0,
72:708/316, 69:2316/0. FREQ magicname PIRATE

Here are the links to the ads in Phrack 40 and 41, you'll have to scroll down to read it.


Phrack Issue #40, File 2 of 14, Phrack Loopback

Phrack Issue #41, File 2 of 13, Phrack Loopback

Here's our one of our old BBS ads using the photo as well:

AT&T Pirate Flag BBS Ad Cyberpunk System

Then, we got invited to SummerCon by Knight Lightening and Taran King (of Phrack fame) and for that and also for HoHoCon (both in '93 I believe) I made a flashy ad for the shirts:

Then, in 1993, Jurassic Park was released, and I came up with the following T-Shirt that I also sold. We were doing a parody of the movie poster, which I've grabbed a pic of from Amazon. They've since redone the promo poster. Here it is...

Of course, these crappy scans of the flyers don't really do it justice. You can't really tell, but that little red area in the circle, below the "CYBERPUNK" is supposed to be lots of 001010111101's.

Back then, our only access to some good computer gear to create the artwork and get stuff dune on was at Kinko's, so I spent many a late night there.

So there you have it, the story of the photo. I'd like to thank Picard for helping me fly the flag and Excalibur for taking the pictures.

NOTE: The above postal addresses and email addresses on the flyers and the Phrack ads are no longer valid. You can always email [email protected]


Original 9/19/04 -  Last updated 12/27/14 to fix links